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In-Lab Sleep Studies

Monitoring Your Vital Functions While You Sleep

The fancy name for the most common type of sleep study is polysomnography, and it’s the gold standard in testing for sleep disorders. It might sound intimidating, but the process is actually low-key and painless.

This all-night sleep test records your vital body functions during sleep, including brain waves, eye movements, heart rate, muscle tone, blood oxygen, airflow and breathing effort.

How it Works

  • Your sleep technician will place the electrodes on your head, scalp, chest, legs and abdomen, along with a sensor near your nose and mouth.
  • While you sleep, the technician will remotely monitor your room and make sure the sensors are recording your bodily functions correctly.

Who it’s For

Your primary care physician or a sleep specialist might recommend an in-lab sleep study to help diagnose or monitor numerous conditions, including sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, parasomnias and other sleep disorders.

What to Expect

  • From start to finish, an in-lab sleep study takes about seven hours.
  • When you arrive, a sleep technician will show you to the room where you’ll be sleeping. Our sleep suites are private rooms, including a bathroom with a shower, a double or queen-size bed, comfortable bed linens and more.
  • When you get to your room, you can change into your pajamas or any clothes you’re comfortable sleeping in.
  • You’ll then be able to relax for a while –feel free to watch TV, quietly listen to music or read.
  • Shortly after, the sleep technician will come into your room to place electrodes on your head and body to prepare you for your sleep study. Don’t worry about the sensors – they’re painless, and most sleep study patients find they don’t even notice them after a few minutes.
  • Your sleep session will be on camera and digitally recorded for your physician. You won’t even notice the hidden cameras, but your sleep technician can point them out if you wish.
  • If you have to go to the bathroom, your technician can easily unhook the electrodes so that you’re free to use the restroom privately.
  • In the morning, you can shower or freshen up before you leave.

How to Prepare

  • Refrain from all caffeine the day of the study (coffee, tea, chocolate, soda).
  • Take all regular medications unless otherwise instructed.
  • Do NOT use body lotion, oils, hair spray or styling gels the day of your study – your hair and skin must be clean for the sensors to make proper contact. If you wish, you can shower after you arrive for your sleep study.
  • A sensor will be placed on your finger, so be sure to keep at least one fingernail (other than your thumbnail) free of nail polish or acrylic add-ons.
  • Fill out and bring your Patient Demographics Form and copies of all insurance cards and referrals.
  • Bring everything you need to sleep comfortably, including your pajamas, any medications that you are required to take, and your toothbrush. Complimentary toiletries are available if you forget any of the basics.
  • Bring any medications you’ll need during the night. (Note: Sleep technicians are not authorized to administer medication.)

Getting Your Results

  • If a Crozer Health sleep physician evaluated you prior to your sleep study, you’ll meet with him/her again within two weeks of the study to discuss results.
  • If you did not meet with a sleep physician before your study, your referring physician will receive the test results within two weeks.
  • If your referring physician recommended that you follow up with a sleep physician after your study, you’ll meet with the sleep specialist to discuss your study results within two weeks.